Production blog: Editing Process Pt. 1

Hello Media Studies Crew, I'm back. I'm beginning the editing process with my group today. Towards the end of the filming process, though, I lost a lot of motivation.We have completed every scene, which I am happy to announce. I am the my group's designated editor. Despite me handling the most of the editing, my group members are still attempting to contribute. To do this, we're utilizing our imagination to create the layout itself. Any of the credits will be placed on open space in the layout design. During the filming process, we also kept this in mind. I  assembled and edited all of the clips to match the time while my group members assisted me. We also decided to choose a name for our studio collectively. This amounted to a discussion of sorts. What I yearned for were visionary films but Infinity Studios was what Michelle and Rose desired. Ultimately, as a group, we must all support a decision, which made this portion of the editing process very difficult. Since I do a great job of arguing his point, we ultimately decided on Visionary Films. Following this, Michelle and Rose made several edits to different sections of our final project while I carried on editing. After a while, we finished, and it was about ten o'clock at night. We had to leave I apartment then since we were on curfew. I can't wait that for the time to come to an end, as it is close! Thank you Media Studies Crew, see you next time


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