Hey Media Study Crew, welcome back to the blog of the day. Today I will be reflecting and talking about my commercial and the process. I learned how to use various types of technology in the process of making my commercial. One of these included the features and functions of my phone. Although, I along with many others are constantly on our phones, doesn't mean we know all the features they can do. When I use my phone it is for typical things like calling, texting, watching videos, or looking things up. When making my commercial I learned the more in depth the features my phone was capable of. For example, I found out easier ways to crop videos on my phones and different shortcut features available to me. Along with features on my phone I learned how to use CapCut. Like I have stated in previous blogs, I have used CapCut before. Therefore, I was slightly familiarized with the app, but no completely. Some things I learned on the app were how to flow my audios together, fade videos,...
Genre - Horror Common camera angles used in horror videos/movies would be high-angles often used to make characters appear vulnerable, low-angle to make characters look more dominant (often the bad one), Dutch angles are also used to create a sense of imbalance and close-ups are used to show fear on someone’s eyes or show a curvature smile. Common mis-en-scene in horror films are a dark setting in a rural location away from everyone, props often used are weapons such as knives, axes and chainsaws that would create a painful death, Black, red, grey and brown would all be colours considered for a horror film as they all signify danger and tragedy, m ost people (mainly victims) in horror films look like the are dressed casually but a lot of effort is put into their outfits to show hints of their role and personality in the movie, t he weaker characters in the frame are the ones who are opposite the camera on the floor showing how positioning affects how the film i...
Hello Media Studies Crew, I am back. Today, my group and I will be going over our previous film. This time, we're considering the prior complaint we received from one of our friends. Although the majority of the feedback was favorable, we are revising CapCut to make it the best it can be. One of her main complaints was the audio. I then (the editor) asked Michelle and me to work together to see if we could make our video sound louder. This led us into a major internet loophole. Michelle searched on TikTok, which has become the new Google. I spent some time looking through YouTube videos for a solution. After what felt like 500 videos, we discovered a solution. On CapCut, they had the option of increasing the media volume, which we did. We also finished evaluating minor matters such as the timing of our videos. We also received additional feedback about a teacher we truly enjoy. This teacher offered us input on how our video's picture compared to others. Our group then reviewed ...
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