CCR: Music Video

  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

The final product uses conventions by representing similar factors that make up the R&B genre. This is because in my product, it used similar camera angles and shots as the ones used in “Best Part” , another R&B song. This was shown through the pan shot, wide shot, tracking shot, zoom, and more that were used. We also used a split screen for the editing that was also used in this R&B song. This is seen in other music videos to help convey the story. In my final product, cams like these helped to represent and show different meanings in each scene. Commonly used in other videos are costumes, which were used in my final product. These costumes were used to help explain the storyline and help connect the song to what the music video is representing. When researching different music videos, I found videos with different types of lighting to show different meanings. In our video the lighting which is bright helps to connect the meaning of the song and lyrics to what we are trying to convey in our video. My group and I also used many props like a phone to show the story between the people in the video, of them going back and forth. This helps show a power struggle and my group's storyline of a toxic relationship, that the teenagers in the video may not be aware about yet. Similarly, to R&B videos, there is a love story being disused, which ours took the toxic relationship route. This can represent a social issue of teenager relationships. This is because many teenagers may not realize the toxicity of their relationship until it is over. Our video overall represents this social issue with a combination of common R&B conventions that include different camera angles, sounds, costumes, props, lighting, etc.


2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?


My final product engages with audiences by creating an experience that may be relatable for viewers when watching. This may appeal to audiences that have been through something similar to what is represented in the final product. The visuals shown in my final product may captivate the audience into interesting them in a story that shows teenagers going in and out of a relationship. This along with the actual song by Frank Ocean allows viewers to be engaged and reeled into the storyline. With my strongest efforts, I try to create a personal experience with the watchers, when they click to watch my music video, trying to ensure the best experience when watching the video of this emotional rollercoaster. This would be distributed as real media text by being posted on various different social medias.  The target audience for my video would be the teenager and younger generations. This is because some adults may not understand the story that is trying to be conveyed through the story of our music video or just simply may not be interested. This would be implemented on social media by important small clips of the music videos online on platforms like Youtube, Instagram, or Tiktok. This can be posted on different accounts by playing small clips around 15 seconds of the video. This teaser type of distribution will lead the audience into wanting more from the video and wanting to see the rest. This will help gain attention towards the video, building up a popular media status.


3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills were heavily developed throughout this project. To start off the research of this helped me have a better vision of what the final project would look like without having to have done it. Prior to this the research that I would typically do would be minimal compared to this product. This research overall helped my production skills making the rest of the process easier to do because I was well researched and planned. Not only this but although challenging at first, the brainstorming of this product majorly helped my production skills. At first my group and I were brainstorming for the song that we should choose. It took a little bit to finalize a song but eventually we did. This wasn’t a fast process, we had to weigh the pros and cons of each song and how it would be produced in the future. When the storyboard was introduced, it was something completely new to me. After using it, I quickly found out that it was one of the most helpful skills to develop during this production. This was because it provided my group a visual of what our video should look like when we actually got to the filming. One of the final ways my skills were developed were through the numerous amount of production blogs that we had to do. This is because the production blogs helped me sort out my thoughts and what was so far done. Overall, all of these skills were developed through this process which led to the creation of better time management skills. This is because with all of these skills achieved the process was made more organized allowing my management of time to be increased.


4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Technologies were integrated into my project in a plethora of ways. Firstly, when filming we used a phone to film. This type of technology provided my group and I the best quality when filming to look the most professional. Compared to cameras, the phones would be much easier and provide us better quality as we were doing shots like tracking shots. Not only this but since the videos were on our phones, it was easier to transfer them onto the editing software that we used which was CapCut. Compared to a camera this is a faster process because we would have had to download the videos off of the camera creating a harder and longer process. To continue technology was also integrated into this project because we used an editing software known as CapCut. This software is one of the easiest editing apps that are out there compared to some other editing software’s. Not only this, but if there was something that we were unsure about, because of CapCuts popularity, there are many videos online showing how to do some editing techniques. For example, we implemented a fake text message on the screen on our video which I was unsure how to do at first. This was a simple fix when I looked up how to do it on YouTube and it was done in seconds. Additionally, I used my laptop to write numerous blogs during this process. This is because using a laptop was the easiest way to type all the sentences required from the production blogs. The keyboard provided on my laptop gave me an easier way to type everything without making continuous grammar mistakes that I would have made if I were typing on my phone.



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